Only five years ago the choice for online corporate communications was the company website. Today the corporate comms professional has a vast array of tools to help reach their publics.
Video, mobile, geolocational, iPad, Android, Honeycomb, and many more. IT should be getting easier, but the costs rise, the platform choices increase and the experts themselves still can't decide on what will make life simpler.
But does a simpler life lie in web technology? Is the future responsive technology, HTML5 and standard APIs? With 50% of web traffic forecast to come from a mobile device within two years it's a question every comms professional needs to ask.
On 10 October, Communicate magazine will be hosting an afternoon conference - pitting web and responsive technology against the native app. Come along to hear case studies, thoughts on strategy and where the industry experts see apps heading. Then grab a drink and join in our lively debate.
Earn 5 CPD points when booking your place. Learn more about CPD points here.