People and the search for transparency in corporate reporting The past year has seen major changes in reporting, with greater requirements needing to be encorported in companies’ strategic reports due to the recent modification to The Companies Act 2006 legislation. Explaining specific aspects of intangible assets has always been a key area in the narrative report in previous years, so what's changed? This session will be led by those who shape the reporting process. The IIRC works to ensure integrated reporting is embedded into mainstream business practice, the FRC sets standards for corporate reporting and FutureValue are content specialists who help businesses develop meaningful content and narrative in their reports. The session will explore how listed companies are responding to legislative changes and how they are successfully integrating them into their annual reports to produce clear and concise documents.
Jonathan Labrey
chief strategy officer
Integrated Reporting
Ian McDonald Wood
research and consulting director
Deepa Raval
project director
Philip Sparks
investor relations manager
The investors take on people What do investment professionals look for in their journey to understand the strength of an organisation as an employer? Obviously the financial performance and prospects are paramount but how can fund managers get closer to the truth about the people driving the business? Are organisations less comfortable at sharing how they measure what makes up their employee experience and their ability to attract and retain outstanding talent? This session aims to fill this gap by highlighting the key areas in which people at all levels in an organisation are critical to financial performance.
Henry Dixon
portfolio manager
Bob Yerbury
non-executive director
Above wealth
Employer branding in human capital A large portion of a brand's identity derives from its staff, which is why it is so important to manage and measure your employer brand. Through collaboration with Communicate magazine, Emperor and Rethink Group are researching how organisations in the UK and Ireland are succeeding in employer brand management and where there's room for improvement. They will look at how companies invest in employer brand management and whether organisations report on its human capital within its annual report. The session will discuss the findings of the research and highlight areas for improvement.
Michael Bennett
founder and managing director
Rethink Group
Ingrid Brown and Fiona Burnett
Examining different business models in the right to report There is growing pressure on companies to adopt an integrated approach to human capital in the formulation, implementation and delivery of company business model and strategy. This session explores how different business models have different ways of structuring the reporting process. Experts working in HR and IR will explain how they're getting the message across about human capital in their department whilst ensuring both of their messages match up and align for the annual report.
Peter Cheese
Leena Nair
global head of diversity and inclusion
Tina St. Leger
vice-president and global head of HR
ViiV Healthcare
Valuing talent If companies can't agree on basic measurement standards, such as head counts, is it resonable to expect them to apply a common emphasis on human capital reporting and accounting for their people? This discussion will explore how companies are implementing frameworks for themselves and if a standardised framework or common set of metrics for all businesses to follow is feasible. This engaging session will be joined by specialists who will look at the science and psychology behind accounting for human capital.
Simon Constance
director of HR advisory
Anthony Hesketh
associate professor/senior lecturer
Lancaster University
Sally Swingewood
lead programme manager
Wilson Wong
head of futures and insight