Joined up thinking The European issue, perhaps more than any other needs senior management to adopt a united approach to their communications strategy. This is vital, not only to ensure a unified approach but to ensure the company speaks to both external and internal stakeholders with the same voice. Focusing on the external issues is Daivd Yelland, former Editor of the sun, the world’s largest circulating daily newspaper, partner of Brunswick Group and now founder of his own agency, Kitchen Table Partners. Looking at the internal audience is Simon Barrow, creator of the employer brand approach. This session sees two seasoned communicators from either side of the internal/external divide discuss their differing approaches and why the joint approach is the only approach.
David Yelland
Communicating to your investors There is a legal obligation for an organisation to disclose and discuss any potential financial and operational risks to its shareholders. Regardless of the decision of the referendum it can’t be denied that the volatility leading up to it implies a risk to the majority of FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 organisations. The referendum has been a certainty for a number of years and yet only a small number of annual reports have mentioned it. How should companies discuss the risks with shareholders and analysts? Peter Swabey is policy and research director at the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, and a former company secretary. In this session he discusses how reporting guidelines should be applied in the EU issue.
John Telling
Group corporate affairs director
Peter Swabey
Policy and research director
Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
Impact on brand value Up to 75% of an organisation's value is said to lie in its intangible assets, the bulk of that being in the value of the brand. Some organisations may see an increase in the value of their intangibles in a United Kingdom separate from the EU, whereas for others, the outcome could be a negative one. Regardless of the nature of the shift, it is vital that companies understand its impact and plan a communication strategy on the run up to the vote. Richard Haigh is the valuation director of Brand Finance plc an international brand consultancy that uses financial valuation techniques not only to discover the value of an organisation’s brand but also to assist in its strategic planning. In this session, Richard will explore the potential impact the referendum will make on a brand’s value and how organisations can allow for valuation fluctuations.
Richard Haigh
Valuation director
Brand Finance plc
Coaching senior management The final session of the afternoon will be a discussion between Barry Neville, the former head of government affairs at SABMiller and Matt Guarente, the head of coaching at Bladonmore on how to coach senior management on disseminating the communications strategy both internally and externally.
Barry Neville
Former head of government affairs
Matt Guarente
Head of coaching
A Greek tragedy: a case study of what not to do Within Europe an in/out referendum isn’t new. In fact, Greece has already been there, in a tumultuous period played out in front of the world's media. Exaggerations, myths and downright lies were par for the course, as the media, the government, the unions and the stack of stakeholders pushed their own agendas. Throughout this, companies had to navigate the uncharted waters of the first exit vote. Maria Lazarimou was there, fighting on the communications front line for her clients and her own organisation. In this passionate session she shares her experience of the Grexit referendum.
Maria Lazarimou
Co-founder & CEO