After a successful inaugural year in 2021, Communicate magazine’s DataComms conference is returning to explore the transformative power of data in everyday communications, from how it influences corporate reputation to companies’ social media and PR strategy.
We are living in an age of data. Data influences the way communications is developed and implemented, as well as how it is evaluated. Increasingly it impacts the management of corporate reputation and is helping define brand, social media, and PR strategy. But how are companies approaching the analysis, use and communication of that data?
Timed to coincide with the inaugural DataComms Awards presentation, the conference will explore evaluation strategies, data visualisation, data aggregation and data analysis, together with the changing nature of corporate communications.
Andrew Thomas, founder of the awards and publisher of Communicate magazine, says, “This is a really important awards programme for Communicate magazine. Increasingly the angle on stories we cover concerns the collation, the analysis and the visualisation of data and we wanted to celebrate and benchmark the excellent work we see in this space. It seemed a logical step, in this first year, to hold a morning conference before the awards lunch and provide an opportunity to really see what good looks like in the data communications space.”
Sessions will include case study analysis and panel discussions to examine the changing role of the corporate communicator and the ways in which data can be better integrated into a communications strategy.
The conference will take place on 5 May in Central London prior to the DataComms awards ceremony lunch. Book your place here.