Communicate magazine to run its next free webinar on the subject of social media newsrooms, June 10.
Online newsroom were once little more than repositories of web pages, PDFs or word docs of old press releases, often password-protected to keep out non-journalists. Content was static and communications unidirectional.
Social media and web 2.0 tools have changed everything.
Social media newsrooms offer a more dynamic, open and flexible online experience and encourage dialogue and information sharing among a more diverse audience. Print journalists, broadcast journalists, citizen journalists are given access to corporate content, as are all those the company wishes engage with: prospects, customers, business partners, and investors. It gives these stakeholders access to news, public relations announcements, images, audio, video and other multimedia files.
Suddenly anyone can reuse corporate content, ensuring press releases, photographs and multimedia content can be seen by a far wider audience.
Communicate magazine's next webinar will hear how Merren Wrigley of Sony Ericsson, Erica Zandelin of Scania helped develop their company's social media newsrooms into best of class examples and Diffusion PR's Daljit Bhurji will discuss how social media is helping the press office get into the heart of the news agenda.