What do a lighthouse, a cow and financial services have in common? The EMCAS rebrand, designed by The Partners.
It’s a land where machines know what people need and want, where the products a customer researches are automatically delivered to her mailbox, where she can reach the company that made that product across the globe without leaving her home, a land of smart television and constant information.
The UK is in for three more years of austerity measures, the economy has yet to fully recover from the recession and the banking industry is still regarded with some skepticism.
While there are no odds on if the new Paddy Power branding will be embraced by customers, it does serve to update an outdated visual identity.
Communicate, alongside the PRCA and YouGov, have launched the second annual in-house Benchmarking Survey to deduce performance indicators from communications directors.
Twitter may be a sacred thing for most communications experts.
Rarely does a corporate rebranding feature a fuzzy, felt wild animal and a colourful hand-drawn world in the style of a children’s book.
Now that the taxman is breathing down the necks of some of the must trusted international corporations operating in the UK, those brands' reputations have fallen.