Shami Chakrabarti, director of Liberty, has been awarded the 2010 President’s Medal by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.
Communications and marketing professionals are the most stressed employees in the UK.
David Cameron’s communications chief Andy Coulson has resigned, on the back of damaging coverage of the News of the World phone hacking scandal.
A contestant from BBC show The Apprentice – and a former head of comms – has vindicated Lord Sugar’s decision not to employ him by committing an eye-watering email blunder.
Weekend newspaper reports reveal the “extraordinary spending” behind Qatar’s successful bid for the 2022 World Cup – including proposals to spend £27 million on communications alone.
Two-thirds of small business use social media to engage with clients and stakeholders, according to a new survey.
Bank of America has purchased hundreds of abusive domain names in what is being seen as a pre-emptive defence against damaging revelations from WikiLeaks.
Vodafone found itself the latest victim of a social media hijack this weekend, as online protestors swamped the group’s Christmas Twitter campaign with criticisms of Vodafone’s tax affairs.
UK businesses that voluntarily report greenhouse gas emissions experience benefits in cost savings, improved green reputation and investor relations, according to new research.