In advance of the UK's EU Referendum vote on 23 June, the PRCA has found that 75% of 41 surveyed agency and in-house leaders are in favour of remaining in the EU, 15% would like to leave and 10% remain undecided.
The PRCA poll is part of the association’s intentions to inform it members in the run-up to the referendum although, as Francis Ingham, director general at the PRCA, says,
“Given how emotive an issue this is, we will not be campaigning for any particular result. But given how important it is, we will certainly be helping our members to take an informed view, by organising debates and articles… whatever the result, we will work with our usual rigour to ensure that PR's interests are heard and respected.”
One respondent, who wishes to remain in the EU, says, “We’re better as part of a free-trade market of 500m people.”
One respondent, who wishes to leave, says, “The Eurozone economy is one of only two world economies not to have grown in the last eight years. Not to mention the fact that it is falling apart at the seams due to the immigration crisis among other serious matters.”
Since David Cameron announced the referendum date on 20 February, influential figures continue to speak-out around their stance on the issue, and how they believe it will affect UK industry.