Not the first former MP to turn to a career in communications and likely not the last, Amber Rudd, former secretary of state for work and pensions, will join executive advisory firm Teneo. She is not the only former politician to be appointed by the company this week. Teneo’s US office also announced the appointment of former EY CEO and George W Bush’s assistant secretary of the treasury, Mark Weinberger.
Throughout Rudd’s parliamentary career, she has dealt with high-profile issues such as female genital mutilation, climate change and violent crime. Her most recent post as secretary of state for work and pensions had her oversee the transition to Universal Credit.
She will take up a senior advisory role at Teneo, joining the UK communications industry. Rudd's brother, Rupert Rudd was the founder and chairman of PR firm Finsbury, which became a WPP company in 2001.
Director general of the PRCA, which works across the PR and communications industry, Francis Ingham, says, “Teneo’s appointment of Amber Rudd is perfectly legitimate under the widely respected and accepted rules of the public affairs industry. Ms Rudd is no longer a member of parliament, and therefore the appointment is compliant with the PRCA Public Affairs Code. Ms Rudd will of course have sought advice from the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments on appropriate activities. Furthermore, she will now become part of the PRCA Public Affairs Register; and be bound by the stringent PRCA Public Affairs Code, which necessitates the immediate surrender of her parliamentary pass.”
Rudd has also been named a trustee of the Climate Group, a non-profit focusing on taking action against climate change. Joan McNaughton, chair of the Climate Group board, says, “Amber’s presence will reinforce our talented leadership team’s efforts to accelerate delivery of the climate action needed over the next crucial decade.”
In October, former leader of the Scottish Conservative Party, Ruth Davidson decided against switching from politics to communications as she turned down an advisory role at Tulchan Communications.
Teneo’s work includes risk and capital advisory as well as strategic communications and management consulting.