AMEC, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, has announced details of a new conference on measurement metrics.
Supported by both the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and the Public Relations Consultants Association, ‘PR Measurement Metrics – From Concept to Implementation Reality’ is a half-day conference to show PR professionals how to use new programme measurement metrics developed by AMEC’s US International Chapter following the adoption of the Barcelona Principles in the summer.
The speakers are David Rockland, CEO of Ketchum Pleon Change and Global Research, New York; Sally Costerton, chairman and CEO EMEA of Hill & Knowlton and chairman-elect of the PRCA; Alison Clarke, group business development director at Huntsworth and chairman of PRCA Best Practice Committee; Tim Marklein, executive VP of measurement and strategy at Weber Shandwick and the chair of AMEC’s post-Barcelona Principles taskforce on social measurement; Ruth Pestana, worldwide director of strategic services from Hill & Knowlton and the chair of AMEC’s taskforce on validated metrics; William Murray, PRSA President and COO; Jane Wilson, CEO of the CIPR; Rob Brown, MD of Staniforth and chair of the CIPR Social Media Panel and Mike Daniels, chairman of AMEC and director of Report International.
The conference is being held on Wednesday 17 November at the Strand Palace Hotel, London.